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  • To foster deeper human connections through compassionate actions.
  • The New York Says Thank You Foundation brings hope and healing to communities and individuals recovering from disasters.
  • The New York Says Thank You Foundation empowers survivors to heal by helping others.
  • The New York Says Thank You Foundation aims to have a positive influence on the mental health of communities that have experienced disasters.


  • Love is stronger than hate.
  • Create. Connect. Empower. Heal.
  • Anybody can make a difference in the world.
  • Stronger together.


Over 600,000 people have participated in New York Says Thank You Foundation’s service initiatives in all 50 states and its programs have lifted the spirits of millions of disaster survivors in 24 countries. The organization is privileged to have the support of some of the Nation’s leading philanthropic families, corporations, and children. New York Says Thank You Foundation has been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Parents Magazine, and Family Circle. They have also been featured on over 1,500 television news programs nationwide including CBS Evening News, ABC World News Tonight “Persons of the Week,” and NBC Nightly News “Making A Difference.” In April 2011, they were recipients of the prestigious CNN Heroes Award.

Since 2003, New York Says Thank You Foundation has focused on survivor empowerment in disaster relief, education, and the arts. NYSTY has been transforming tragedy into hope and connecting and empowering people to heal by helping others. They are now doing this quicker, with more people, and in more places than ever before through its Stars of HOPE™ Box of HOPE program. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made by clicking here. Or you can mail your tax-deductible check to: New York Says Thank You Foundation, 2472 Broadway #236, New York, NY  10025

Thank you for helping to keep alive the spirit of 9/12 and showing the world that LOVE is stronger than hate.